Localzone LAX (US/US/Los Angeles) smokeping node
US Mediacom GEORGIA (AS30036

2024-09-18 00:45:01 - Now

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 10.580 ms9.591 ms10.140 ms10.105
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 42.823 ms
10 > port-channel13.core3.sjc2.he.net ( 9.296 ms
11 >
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 42.998 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.170 ms53.647 ms53.042 ms53.059
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.502 ms58.574 ms58.471 ms58.627
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.186 ms63.931 ms63.866 ms63.887
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 64.600 ms64.071 ms64.770 ms64.273
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 72.114 ms71.606 ms71.825 ms71.929

2024-09-17 14:45:01 - 2024-09-18 00:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 9.812 ms9.115 ms10.205 ms10.100
7 >
8 >
9 >
10 >
11 > port-channel16.core1.fmt2.he.net ( 10.681 ms
12 > ipv4.decix-dallas.core1.dal1.he.net ( 40.509 ms
13 > port-channel13.core2.atl1.he.net ( 65.884 ms
14 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 65.173 ms65.277 ms65.275 ms65.301
15 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 65.565 ms65.611 ms65.445 ms65.548
16 >
17 >
18 >
19 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 73.326 ms72.787 ms73.112 ms72.800

2024-09-17 09:30:01 - 2024-09-17 14:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 11.211 ms11.120 ms10.095 ms10.038
7 >
8 >
9 >
10 >
11 > port-channel10.core2.den1.he.net ( 42.735 ms
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 43.289 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.071 ms54.015 ms53.050 ms53.102
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.528 ms58.761 ms58.728 ms58.502
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 63.996 ms64.569 ms64.217 ms64.110
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 64.308 ms64.551 ms64.289 ms65.359
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 71.759 ms71.819 ms71.605 ms71.704

2024-09-17 04:15:01 - 2024-09-17 09:30:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 9.834 ms11.432 ms10.141 ms10.237
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 44.978 ms42.893 ms
10 >
11 > port-channel10.core2.den1.he.net ( 46.460 ms
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 43.224 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.465 ms53.013 ms53.128 ms53.383
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.483 ms58.510 ms58.540 ms58.598
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.118 ms64.134 ms64.318 ms64.243
17 > lo255.atlga001er8.mchsi.com ( 108.371 ms108.520 ms108.654 ms108.359
18 > po22.chgil001cr1.mchsi.com ( 108.432 ms108.356 ms108.198 ms108.203
19 > po5.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 105.334 ms105.363 ms105.418 ms105.761
20 > po15.mobal001cr1.mchsi.com ( 107.849 ms107.903 ms107.913 ms107.816
21 > 68-66-73-21.client.mchsi.com ( 107.764 ms106.650 ms106.054 ms106.027
22 >
23 >
24 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 114.946 ms115.546 ms114.956 ms115.796

2024-09-16 17:45:01 - 2024-09-17 04:15:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 10.558 ms8.710 ms10.064 ms10.096
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 40.223 ms
10 > port-channel13.core3.sjc2.he.net ( 9.274 ms
11 >
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 43.307 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.116 ms53.220 ms53.171 ms53.115
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.752 ms58.610 ms58.542 ms58.502
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.119 ms64.064 ms64.023 ms64.034
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 64.408 ms64.895 ms64.470 ms64.320
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 72.451 ms71.713 ms71.911 ms71.991

2024-09-16 17:00:01 - 2024-09-16 17:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 10.197 ms9.529 ms10.135 ms10.170
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 40.827 ms44.140 ms
10 >
11 > port-channel10.core2.den1.he.net ( 42.286 ms
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 43.081 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 52.979 ms53.001 ms53.037 ms52.977
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.692 ms58.595 ms58.522 ms58.600
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 63.814 ms63.873 ms63.850 ms66.214
17 > lo255.atlga001er8.mchsi.com ( 108.256 ms108.419 ms108.101 ms108.338
18 > po22.chgil001cr1.mchsi.com ( 108.297 ms108.183 ms108.083 ms108.247
19 > po5.stlmo001cr1.mchsi.com ( 105.508 ms105.495 ms105.332 ms105.303
20 > po15.mobal001cr1.mchsi.com ( 107.816 ms107.737 ms107.728 ms107.761
21 > 68-66-73-21.client.mchsi.com ( 106.110 ms169.735 ms106.115 ms106.137
22 >
23 >
24 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 115.631 ms116.970 ms115.442 ms114.948

2024-09-14 00:15:01 - 2024-09-16 17:00:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 8.538 ms9.463 ms10.160 ms10.266
7 >
8 >
9 >
10 > port-channel13.core3.sjc2.he.net ( 9.532 ms
11 > port-channel10.core2.den1.he.net ( 42.245 ms
12 >
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.302 ms53.073 ms53.875 ms53.254
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.498 ms58.630 ms58.689 ms58.621
15 > port-channel13.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.937 ms
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.008 ms64.197 ms64.057 ms64.281
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 64.244 ms64.261 ms64.173 ms64.112
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 71.815 ms72.488 ms71.706 ms71.800

2024-09-13 23:45:01 - 2024-09-14 00:15:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 9.272 ms10.919 ms10.066 ms10.053
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 41.070 ms44.907 ms41.625 ms
10 >
11 >
12 >
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 52.991 ms53.118 ms53.063 ms
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.482 ms58.712 ms58.612 ms58.573
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.077 ms64.014 ms63.923 ms64.462
17 > ( 64.027 ms64.061 ms64.175 ms64.244
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 71.831 ms79.889 ms71.661 ms71.898

2024-09-12 07:30:01 - 2024-09-13 23:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 9.919 ms10.716 ms10.259 ms9.862
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 39.848 ms
10 >
11 >
12 >
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.240 ms53.155 ms53.473 ms53.213
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.710 ms58.491 ms58.681 ms58.415
15 >
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 64.191 ms64.210 ms64.097 ms64.216
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 64.671 ms64.262 ms64.470 ms64.381
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 72.532 ms72.511 ms72.103 ms71.753

2024-09-12 05:00:01 - 2024-09-12 07:30:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 10.263 ms8.986 ms10.085 ms10.325
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 39.911 ms
10 >
11 > port-channel16.core1.fmt2.he.net ( 9.059 ms9.145 ms9.084 ms9.369
12 > ipv4.decix-dallas.core1.dal1.he.net ( 42.546 ms42.090 ms
13 >
14 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 67.070 ms67.144 ms67.125 ms67.098
15 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 67.512 ms67.688 ms67.432 ms67.421
16 >
17 >
18 >
19 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 74.559 ms74.624 ms74.958 ms75.264

2024-09-11 03:00:01 - 2024-09-12 05:00:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 >
5 >
6 > be101.sjo-sv5-sbb1-8k.ca.us ( 11.063 ms11.075 ms10.210 ms10.045
7 >
8 >
9 > ae2.3605.edge9.SanJose1.net.lumen.tech ( 40.864 ms
10 >
11 > port-channel10.core2.den1.he.net ( 42.216 ms
12 > port-channel8.core3.mci3.he.net ( 43.321 ms
13 > port-channel2.core1.stl1.he.net ( 53.085 ms53.261 ms53.214 ms53.164
14 > 100ge0-36.core2.bna1.he.net ( 58.642 ms58.461 ms58.609 ms58.748
15 > port-channel13.core2.atl1.he.net ( 67.565 ms
16 > mediacom-enterprise-business-as30036.e0-57.core2.atl1.he.net ( 70.174 ms70.121 ms70.084 ms70.102
17 > po10.atlga001cr1.mchsi.com ( 69.738 ms69.914 ms69.790 ms69.984
18 >
19 >
20 >
21 > 173-31-240-1.client.mchsi.com ( 78.288 ms78.627 ms77.909 ms77.949